Treatment Preparations
No matter what kind of treatment or which pest we are treating, you will find the information you need to prepare on this page.

Cockroach Prep Checklist
Affordable Bed Bug & Pest will be entering your unit to treat your home for a cockroach infestation. You must complete the following preparations before treatment:
1. Remove all dishes, cups, and food items from cabinets, drawers, appliances, and countertops. Place them on a table or floor in another room.
2. Clear out the vanity, cabinets, and linen closet.
3. Wipe down all cabinets, drawers, and counters. Clean under the stove, refrigerator, and floors. There should be no dirt or food residue present before treatment. A roach can survive on a drop of grease for 30 days. Your unit must be clean.
4. Cover aquariums with plastic and disconnect the air pump.
5. Remove all pets from the unit during application.
6. Vacate the unit for at least 60 minutes after the treatment is completed.
Please contact your property manager with any questions.
Do not use sprays (e.g., Raid) or other pesticides in your unit, as they will contaminate our bait.
This process can take up to 30 days to be fully effective. It is normal to see roaches between services, as they consume the bait and transfer it to others, ensuring complete eradication.

Bed Bug Chemical Treatment Prep Checklist
Affordable Bed Bug & Pest will be entering your unit to treat your home for a bed bug infestation. You must complete the following preparations before treatment:
1. Strip all bed linens and wash them in hot water or dry them on high heat for at least 60 minutes.
2. Remove all clothing and other objects from the floor. Bag all other clothing and linens and dry on high heat for at least 60 minutes.
3. Vacuum all rooms thoroughly including corners and dispose of the bag immediately by placing it in a plastic bag and disposing in the dumpster.
4. Pull furniture and all other objects at least 12 inches from the wall.
5. Remove all objects from windowsills.
6. Leave a note for the technician advising him of the areas where you have seen the insects.
7. You must be ready to leave the unit when your technician arrives.
8. You must take all your pets with you when you leave.
9. Be prepared to leave for up to two hours.
10. Use your crack and crevice tool to thoroughly vacuum the mattress baseboards and carpeting.
11. After the treatment, remake the beds with clean linens.
12. Ventilate the unit before reoccupying.

Lista de verificación de preparación química para cucarachas
Affordable Bed Bug & Pest ingresará a una unidad para tratar su hogar por el problema de las cucarachas como se señaló anteriormente. Debe realizar los siguientes preparativos para este tratamiento:
1. Retire todos los platos, tazas y alimentos de los armarios, cajones, electrodomésticos y encimeras. Coloque los artículos en la mesa o en el piso de otra habitación.
2. Limpia el tocador, el armario y el armario de ropa blanca.
3. Limpie todos los gabinetes, cajones y mostradores. Limpie debajo de la estufa, el refrigerador y los pisos. No debe haber suciedad ni excrementos de comida antes del tratamiento. Una cucaracha puede vivir con una gota de grasa durante 30 días. Su apartamento debe estar limpio.
4. Los acuarios deben tener la bomba de aire desconectada y la parte superior cubierta por plástico.
5. Las mascotas deben retirarse durante la aplicación.
6. Desaloje la unidad durante al menos 60 minutos después de la finalización de un tratamiento.
Llame a su administrador de la propiedad si tiene alguna pregunta.
Por favor, no utilice ningún aerosol (por ejemplo, raid) u otros pesticidas en su unidad, ya que contaminará nuestro cebo.
Este proceso puede tardar hasta 30 días en funcionar, lo que significa que es normal ver cucarachas entre servicios. Queremos que las cucarachas se alimenten del cebo y lo lleven de vuelta a los demás insectos para que todos ellos sean eliminados.

Lista de verificación de preparación química para chinches
Affordable Bed Bugs & Pest ingresará a su unidad para tratar su hogar por el problema de chinches como se mencionó anteriormente. Debe realizar los siguientes preparativos para este tratamiento:
1. Retire toda la ropa de cama de las camas y lávela con agua caliente o séquela a fuego alto durante un mínimo de 60 minutos.
2. Quítese toda la ropa y otros objetos del suelo. Empaque todas las demás prendas y sábanas y séquelas a fuego alto durante al menos 60 minutos.
3. Aspire todas las habitaciones a fondo, incluidas las esquinas, y deseche la bolsa inmediatamente colocándola en una bolsa de plástico y desechándola en el contenedor de basura.
4. Tire de los muebles y todos los demás objetos al menos a 12 pulgadas de la pared.
5. Retire todos los objetos de los alféizares de las ventanas.
6. Deje una nota para el técnico avisándole de las áreas donde ha visto los insectos.
7. Debe estar listo para dejar la unidad cuando llegue su técnico.
8. Debes llevar a todas tus mascotas contigo cuando te vayas.
9. Esté preparado para salir hasta por dos horas.
10. Use su herramienta para grietas y hendiduras para aspirar a fondo los zócalos del colchón y la alfombra.
11. Después del tratamiento, vuelva a hacer las camas con sábanas limpias.
12. Ventile la unidad antes de volver a ocuparla.
Treatment Preparations
Prior to removing heat-sensitive items from an infested space, inspect each item thoroughly for any signs of infestation before transferring them to a non-infested area to minimize the spread of the infestation. Place them in tightly secured trash bags before carefully transporting them. Any infested items that need treatment should remain in the space.
Avoid using chemical treatments prior to the heat treatment process. Chemical treatments can cause bed bugs to flee the space and nest within walls, power outlets, baseboard moldings, heater ducts, under rugs, and floorboards.
Set aside personal effects needed during the eradication process, such as medication, medical devices, properly prepared clothing, shoes, car keys, cell phones, chargers, etc. Inspect these items for infestation and set them aside if they are clear.
Unplug all appliances, electronics, or devices that may consume power (except for your refrigerator or freezer). Most devices can remain in place once unplugged and will be safe during the treatment.
Remove specialized or essential equipment that is heat-sensitive or irreplaceable. Inspect these items for infestation before removing them.
Remove flammable items, including liquor, spirits, aerosols (e.g., hair spray, deodorant, spray paint cans), rubbing alcohol, ammunition, carbonated beverages, oxygen tanks, propane tanks, CO2 cartridges, lighter fluid, and fire extinguishers.
Take out items that may be particularly heat-sensitive, such as candles, crayons, chocolate, hot-glued crafts, makeup (lipstick), plants, wine, stringed instruments (including pianos, if possible), nail polish, expensive perfume, antiques, and collectibles.
Remove all pets from the space, including fish tanks (consider purchasing an aquarium chiller), terrariums, and cages with small animals or reptiles.
Bag any trash, unnecessary clutter, heavily infested bedding, or other items to be discarded. Use heavy-duty black plastic bags, seal them tightly (preferably with zip ties), and place them outside in the sun if possible. The heat from the sun can kill any bed bugs or eggs inside.
Address dense pockets such as baskets of laundry, clothing closets, or piles of laundry. Hang as many clothes as possible to ensure proper airflow during treatment, ensuring they are not packed too tightly. You can use clothing racks, shower rods, or anchored broom handles to hang clothes. Open purses or backpacks and hang them on door handles. Drape comforters or quilts over doors. Dirty laundry should be washed and dried for 90 minutes on high heat to kill bed bug eggs. Store dried clothes in heavy-duty sealed bags and place them on countertops or appliances until after treatment.
Open dresser drawers and cabinets to allow for proper air circulation. Hang as many clothes as possible and follow the same washing, drying, and bagging instructions for non-hangable items. Empty drawers should be staggered or removed entirely to ensure heat circulation.
Separate books if possible or slide them to the front of shelves to allow airflow behind them. Avoid stacking papers. File cabinets and folders should be opened to allow heat to circulate.
Remove plants or decorations that could be knocked over by heaters or fans. Items on shelves or counters that may fall and become damaged should be laid on their sides. Remove any irreplaceable or one-of-a-kind items, such as valuable paintings or sentimental crafts.
In heavily infested areas, move furniture away from the walls to ensure proper airflow. If heavy items cannot be moved, the treatment team can assist.
Place couch cushions upright or against the wall. Open reclining chairs and position furniture to allow airflow into cold spots.
Elevate mattresses and box springs by placing them on end against the bed frame or wall to maximize airflow.
Inspect and consider removing corner tabs on box springs, as bed bugs commonly nest in these areas, potentially shielding them from complete eradication.
If you have an inflatable mattress or specialty bed (e.g., Sleep Number), deflate it just before treatment.
Be mindful of additional spaces or items that bed bugs may have infested, such as closed boxes or suitcases. Address these areas to prevent cold spots, as bed bugs can survive over a year without feeding.
After vacuuming, ensure that live bed bugs or eggs in the vacuum canister or bag are discarded immediately. Empty the bag or canister into a small trash bag, seal it tightly, and dispose of it outside.
Remove pictures or wall hangings attached with adhesive anchors, such as Command Strips. These may loosen during treatment due to heat and fall.
If you do not opt for vehicle steaming services, have your vehicles professionally vacuumed and cleaned during the heat treatment process. Additionally, bathe any pets before reintroducing them to the treated space.
You may store heat-sensitive items like candles, soda, beer, wine, perfume, and makeup in the refrigerator to protect them from the heat.
Lastly, take a deep breath—help is on the way! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to take advantage of our vehicle treatment or preparation services.